| 1. | Ukirt , uk infrared telescope facility 联合王国红外望远镜 |
| 2. | Irts , infrared telescope in space irts 空间红外望远镜 |
| 3. | Sirtf , space infrared telescope 空间红外望远镜 |
| 4. | Wyoming infrared telescope 怀俄明红外望远镜 |
| 5. | The deployment of infrared telescopes in orbiting satellites has opened the new scientific discipline of astromineralogy 自从天文学家在人造卫星上装置了红外线望远镜后,天体矿物学的发展有了全新的面貌。 |
| 6. | With an infrared telescope , we can peek through the cooler dust in the elephant trunk nebula to reveal the luminous proto stars behind 利用红外线拍摄的象鼻星云,可以穿透前面的尘埃,看到背后发光的原恒星。 |
| 7. | Im now had plans to check out the four heros in the sdf using nasa s new space infrared telescope facility sirtf , originally scheduled to be launched in april Im计划利用原定于2003年4月升空的美国太空总署太空红外线望远镜space infrared telescope facility ,简称sirtf ,对从sdf中所发现的四个hero作进一步观测。 |